Believe it or not, a lot of the jobs you do in your reprographics firm are actually pretty interesting, so showing them to potential customers via video is a great way to find new customers. Web marketing pros have been preaching that theme a lot lately: Video enhances the effectiveness of business websites. Why? Here are three reasons:
- Young decision-makers grew up on video, not print, and prefer it as a way to consume info.
- Video engages potential customers in an entertaining way -- people tend to stay on sites with video longer than on sites with just copy.
- Video is a great way to show off your firm's skills and to show customer testimonials.
The quality of videos on reprographic firm websites varies widely -- some are just a quickie iphone recordings from recent jobs, but most, as you'll see below, appear to be professionally produced. Manufacturers also offer videos to shops that sell their equipment, so that's another option. Regardless of the origin of your video, posting is easy. Youtube and Vimeo host videos for free and allow users to embed the videos in their own sites.
Here are examples of videos from various reprographics firms' websites: