Editor's note: Carrie Brandon, a social media marketing expert, will lead the main educational session at the 2018 APDSP Convention in Las Vegas on Saturday, Oct. 20. Below she explains why social media is important to a reprographics shop, and what people will learn at her session.
Why is social media important to reprographic shops?
Social media marketing allows you to showcase the quality and creativity of your reprographic products and services with rich and engaging content. Social media marketing has come a long way, providing a wide variety of post/advertising formats, audience targeting, budget and scheduling options, lead generation and other engagement goals. Most all social media platforms have baked in business advertising tools and analytics that make it easier for companies to evaluate the success or failure of their campaign efforts. This important data helps companies to constantly improve on reaching ideal customers, generating leads and converting leads to sales.
If someone is a complete novice to social media, will your session be helpful? What about someone already deep into social media -- will they learn something new?
The three-part workshop will provide something for every skill level. We will cover pretty basic set-up tasks and also more intricate ones in a way everyone can understand. We can't cover everything but the goal will be to touch on the "most important to know info" for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn marketing. We'll also provide tips for streamlining social media management as this is often one of the biggest reasons companies fail to dig into social media…we often hear "it's just too time consuming and complicated."
Most reprographics shops already have a Facebook page. Isn't that enough?
Having a Facebook page is a great start, making sure it is set-up and managed correctly to maximize marketing reach is often overlooked - its all in the details! Creating a presence across multiple social media channels, if done correctly, can catapult brand awareness quickly. You must also keep in mind, each social media platform is different and many may not make sense for a company to focus any energy on. We will touch on the differences between the features of the most popular social media platforms in this workshop; understanding the differences will help participants better determine which ones will work best for their reprographics business.
What will you teach us about getting more people interested in our social media?
We'll cover tips for creating engaging content, using some of the lesser known features of Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to improve engagement. We'll demonstrate setting up paid ad campaigns and the benefits of targeted ads to reach the people and industries most interested in reprographics products and services.
What should attendees do in advance to make sure they get the most out of your presentation?
Take the APDSP Pre-Workshop Participant Survey! (Click here to take the survey.) The questions in the survey will get participants thinking about their social media marketing goals. It will also give them the opportunity to provide input ahead of time for "wish list" knowledge they want to take away from the workshop on October 20th! We'll do our best to pack in as much knowledge as possible into the 3 hour workshop. We'll leave time for Q &A at the end. Participants will be able to access and download the workshop presentation for future reference and will receive event discounts on B & B, Inc. Digital Marketing, Web Site Development & Hosting, SEO, Copywriting and Video Production services. Looking forward to meeting everyone in Las Vegas!
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