If you're interested in learning about what's going on in the reprographics industry, and what the future holds, you'll definitely want to be in New Orleans during the second week in October. Four reprographics-related organizations, including APDSP, are holding events there, and there's sure to be a lot of networking among members and vendors.
The primary reason New Orleans is attracting reprographers is because the annual Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) is holding its annual trade show there. The SGIA event includes over 500 exhibitors, most of them showing large-format graphics equipment, including all of the latest digital imaging equipment. There are also educational sessions on a variety of topics. Click here for more info and to get a free pass to the exhibit hall (before September 13).
The Reprographic Services Association (RSA) and ReproMAX are both holding member meetings in New Orleans around October 10-13. Between them, these two organizations include about 150 of the largest reprographics firms in North America, and a large number of members attend each event.
Of course, the most important reason to be in New Orleans during this week is to attend the annual APDSP convention! At our event, you'll be able to learn about the job site technology that your AEC customers need, and how you can profit by providing that technology. Job Site University is a day-long session that will focus on the technologies of the future.
In addition to Job Site University, attendees at our event will be able to network with other members, vendors, and others involved in the industry at a networking reception on October 11 and during the meals and breaks on October 12.
Learn more about our event, and how to register, by clicking here. IMPORTANT NOTE: The early-bird discount ends on July 1, so don't wait!
With all that's going, it's safe to say that during the second week of October, New Orleans will have the highest concentration of reprographics professionals of any city in the world!